Accidents or Illnesses

I/We authorise the Event Director to consent, where it is impractical to communicate with me/us, to my/our son/daughter receiving any x-ray examination, anaesthetic, medical, surgical or hospital treatment as may be deemed necessary by a licensed physician and/or surgeon. I/We agree to pay the appropriate fees for such and any ambulance or other emergency transportation costs, which may be required.

I/We agree to meet the expense of my son/daughter being returned home, by the director of leaders accompanying him/her where it is deemed necessary including behavioural concerns. I/We understand that such an arrangement may be necessary due to illness, injury, or if, in the opinion of the Event Director, non-cooperation of any description or the inability to meet the rigours and requirements of the activity by my son/daughter. I/We agree to my/our son/daughter attending on this understanding.

I also understand that it is a condition of participation to accurately complete the medical form. I have been informed of the nature of the activity and understand that there is an element of risk involved. I acknowledge I may refuse to participate in any part of the activity I feel apprehensive about, (if this does not endanger myself or the other participants or leaders). I agree that if I suffer injury or illness, the organisers can arrange medical treatment and emergency evacuation services, as the organisers deem necessary for my safety or well-being.

I am aware, in signing this document of the risks and demanding nature of activities at this event, and am willing to accept this risk and a free to release, to the full extent permitted by law, AUSTRALASIAN CONFERENCE ASSOCIATION LIMITED (ACN 000 003 930) and its employees and agents from responsibility for any injuries which I may suffer as a result of participation in this event and its activities.

Refund Policy

Refund requests must be submitted in writing to the Personnel from the relevant department within the specified time frames below:

If contact is made before the registration closure date a 90% refund can be obtained.
If contact is made after the registration closure date a 50% refund can be obtained.

Full Refunds
Event Cancellation
In the event that the Seventh-day Adventist Church (North New South Wales Conference).
cancels an event, participants will be eligible for a full refund of their registration fees.
Partial Refunds
Participant Withdrawal
Participants who withdraw from an event before a specified deadline (as communicated in
event materials) may be eligible for a refund of 90% of the ticket price.
Participants who withdraw from an event after the specified deadline (as communicated in event materials) may be eligible for a refund of 50% of the ticket price.