Youth Rush Admin

Youth Rush is a two-week Literature Evangelism outreach program run by the WA Conference Literature Evangelism Team. It’s designed to develop your skills in faith sharing, community engagement and personal development all while expanding the kingdom of God!

Youth Rush offers specialised training and mentoring in Literature Evangelism, offering books on a donation basis on the topics of physical, mental and spiritual health. You will earn a 50% commission on your sales. The other 50% will cover the costs of the program. You can look forward to challenging moments, personal and spiritual victories, divine appointments and lasting friendships!

1 – 14 December 2024

Swan Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church (1 to 7 Dec) & Avon Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church (8 to 14 Dec)

Open to anyone aged 15 to 30

Youth Rush is free. Your training, accommodation & food expenses are included.

At Youth Rush you will be asked to commit to two weeks of mission work going door-to-door Monday-Friday as a Literature Evangelist. Students receive training and mentorship from experienced evangelism workers on how to share their faith and Adventist literature effectively and safely in many settings such as homes, churches, businesses and more!

Each day is filled with worship, training, distributing literature door-to-door, community service and Bible studies. On Sabbath you will have the opportunity to share your testimonies at a Seventh-day Adventist Church. Sunday is a day off to relax and share experiences with your new friends.

Literature Evangelism in Australia is supported by Adventist Media, South Pacific Division. More information about Youth Rush and Student LE Scholarships can be accessed at

To participate in Youth Rush, please complete the registration form.

Closing Date
Registrations must be received no later than 28 November 2024.

For more information contact
Paul Bodor at

Youth Rush 2024

Applicant Details

Parent/Guardian Details

Parent/Guardian #1

Parent/Guardian #2

Emergency Contact

Secondary Emergency Contact

About you and the program

Financial Details – TFN & ABN

Medical Details

Please complete your medical details below.

All information is stored securely and accessed only by authorised personnel (i.e. event leaders, first aiders).

For event safety, it is vital that the information is up to date when the event begins. If you have any questions or would like to update the medical information you provide, please do not hesitate to contact us at



Medical Conditions

Please list below any known medical conditions or care notes, including:
allergies (anaphylactic), allergies (non-anaphylactic), anorexia/ eating disorders, asthma, autism, bed-wetting, blackouts/ dizziness/ fainting, bleeding disorder, diabetes, disability, eczema/ skin condition, epilepsy/ seizures, hearing impairment, heart condition, joint/ muscle/ bone problems, migraines, operations, phobia, recent illness, sleep walking, sight impairment, travel sickness, mental health issue. heart problems, respiratory problems, travel sickness, any other medical issue or care note.
Please email all action plans (i.e. anaphylaxis, asthma, diabetes) to


Medical Contact (Optional)

Non-Prescription Medication

Should my child feel unwell, I give permission for the StormCo staff to provide: